About Journal
Neuro-Cell Molecular Research aims to support scientific development and exchange information among readers, aiming to contribute to the announcement and sharing of current research presented to the scientific community.
Neuro-Cell Molecular Research accepts original research articles, reviews, and case reports for publication and is an impartial, open-access, independent scientific journal scanned by international indexes. It evaluates submitted manuscripts through peer review and “double-blind” systems.
All manuscripts to be published in Neuro-Cell Molecular Research are peer-reviewed without delay, and once the publication process is complete, they are published online for immediate access and citation.
Aims and Scope / Target Population
Thank you for considering submitting your work to Neuro-Cell Molecular Research. Established in 2024, Neuro-Cell Molecular Research is the research journal dedicated to publishing novel, impactful papers spanning basic to clinical metabolic research. We are interested in original research addressing the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological homeostasis and what goes awry in disease.
Neuro-Cell Molecular Research publishes findings of unusual significance in any area of experimental biology, including but not limited to cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, immunology, virology and microbiology, cancer, human genetics, systems biology, signaling, and disease mechanisms and therapeutics.
Journal Title
Neuro-Cell Molecular Research
Publication Language
Journal Abbreviation
Neuro-Cell Mol Res
Publication Period
3 Issues Per Year (April, August, December)
Publication Start Date
January, 2024
Publication Type
Indexed and abstracted in:
EuroPub, Google Scholar, J-Gate, OpenAIRE, Türkiye Citation Index, Zenodo
Publisher / Journal Address for Management
Neuro-Cell Molecular Research,
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Türkiye
Phone: +90 366 280 7208
E-mail: info@ncmrjournal.com.tr